For properties constructed within the last decade, a Professional Consultants Certificate or a Structural Warranty is required for sale. If you're self-building a property with a mortgage, the lender will necessitate a structural warranty.
White & Eddy Ltd has formed a partnership with several providers of structural warranties in order to conduct Technical Audits and Completed Property Surveys, which are necessary for obtaining a Structural Warranty upon project completion.
Please visit our who we partner with page to learn more about these providers.
The Structural Warranty provider determines the number of inspections needed, based on the complexity of the overall design or foundations.
Whilst less inspections are carried out to that of a Professional Consultants Certificate all elements of the dwelling are inspected at all of the inspection stages listed. So for example at the cavities inspection, usually carried out when the building is between 1st floor joists and wall plate, the block & beam layout and the 1st floor joist layout would also be inspected.
For further information please contact us.
Residential new build
Professional Consultants Certificate